Monday 26 November 2012

My non-durian eating husband is slowly becoming a Daddy- Of air purifiers and durians

It's the end of the year and with it comes the usual cold and flu viruses.

My aunt who's staying with us for a bit and my Mum have both caught a bug of some sort, and so my husband decided that now is a good time as any to get an air purifier. He says because I am pregnant I can't afford to fall ill, as not only will I suffer, our Little Monster will suffer too. How Daddy like is that?

So yesterday we went air purifier shopping. Ended up getting one from Sharp, the KC-A50E. It's an air purifier with a humidifying function that "traps dust and other large air borne particles, decreases odours, reduces pollen and mold, freshens the air and stabilises room humidity."
The Sharp KC-A50E air purifier that fights demon durians. 

So, the premise is that it will be good for the Little Monster when she joins us as we have the air cond on all night and it is quite dusty in our area.

Today he managed to put the air purifier to the test. I went for durians with my aunts and grandma. Not being a fan of this lovely luscious fruit, my husband is quite opposed to its lovely bouquet. Just before dinner, we were in the room together when I did the inevitable when we have had durians... I burped.

He literally went green at the gills and punched the air cleaning function on; all the while asking me "What is that smell?" knowing full well what it was...

In any case his verdict is that his new toy works as well as he hoped as it cleared the room of the offensive smell in record time.

On a separate note, he has indicated that I smell of durians, burp or not. So, as I am sure I shall be burping throughout the night I have suggested that he sleep facing his new, very efficient toy tonight.
The King of fruits. One of the very few points of contention in my marriage.

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