Monday 26 November 2012

Attached to my little monster

Today I had a little scare. It was a pretty busy day that started off with a class that led into lunch and a short walk about at a local shopping mall. The whole time our Little Monster was quieter than usual, but I didn't think twice about it as she is sometimes less active in the day.

Earlier tonight however, I started to feel a little concerned as not only was she moving less than usual, she was completely still when her Daddy spoke to her. As she usually reacts to his voice by wriggling and kicking, I got so worried I started to cry. This reaction came as a huge surprise to me as I expected myself to be more rational.

Anyway after sniffling for a bit, I did a quick search on the Internet, and found a site that said I should try taking a sweet drink and lie on my side for 2 hours while monitoring her movements. She should move at least about 10 times in those two hours. If she was in deep sleep the sugar in the drink should give her a rush and encourage more movement. I did so, and lo and behold, our little monster started to wriggle not 10 minutes after I had finished the drink. As I write this, she is back to complaining about the position I am in.

Can't really explain how relieved I am, but I have come to realise how attached I had become to this little being with no voice that is growing inside of me.

Another 12 weeks to go...Here's hoping that both the Little Monster and I stay healthy and have a safe delivery.

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