Thursday 17 January 2013

A question of poo

At 35.5 weeks pregnant, I still feel completely unprepared for the arrival of our little monster.

The baby crib we bought in October has been delivered, but sits idle in the hall. My excuse is that it's waiting for a replacement part that will only arrive at the end of the month.The reality is that I just haven't sorted out the junk in my room to make space for it... Bad Mummy I am.

At the moment the one thing that I am preoccupied with, apart from worrying about if Mika is going to arrive early and my blood sugar levels,  is diapering. Hubby was dead set on disposables, while I am a little more idealistic and am considering using disposables for when we go out and cloth diapers at home.

After a lot of discussion, and as neither of us has ANY diapering experience, Hubby decided that we will start off with a starter pack of two cloth diapers with additional inserts and a small pack of disposables first. This, he claims, will enable us to assess the the benefits of both and make a more informed decision.

I hate to say this but the environment doesn't really factor into our decision. For us, the baby's comfort level is paramount, followed by convenience and cost. So if Mika is able to use both, then we will most definitely be using a mix. But Hubby says we may inadvertently find ourselves using disposables most of the time as they are just so convenient. I would love to say otherwise, but the thought of not having to worry about laundering a stack of dirty diapers  in addition to taking of Mika is strangely seducing.

He's also mentioned that while it's a given that we will save more on cloth diapering in the long run, it would be nice to see a simulation of how much that would work out to be in a year... Damn engineers and their numbers. But if I am going to win him over to the cloth diapering side (my own conviction is weak so I am not able to insist as strongly as I would normally do in other matters) I will need to spreadsheet it for him. Poo (sic).

So, once we decided that we would get at least 2 cloth diapers, Shopaholic Mama took to the internet to make her first cloth diaper purchase. I had already done rounds of surveying the market for cloth diapers, and am very taken by a local brand called Geboo ( Made from bamboo fibres and hemp, they are very soft and best of all, come with inserts that have wings to prevent leakage!!! So after a couple of clicks, I bought Mika a starter pack costing RM125 with free delivery, can't wait for it to arrive in the post =)

Mika's cloth diaper starte

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