Friday 21 December 2012

Mika at 31 weeks and 4 days- 旦那と一緒に親ばかになちゃった。。。

La Di Da, we went for our monthly ante natal check up today.

Mika has GROWN!! A little too fast my OBGYN says...this could be caused by my blood sugar behaving eratically in the last three weeks.

Because I am diabetic and because babies are so sensitive to their mother's blood sugar levels, I am due back for another check up in two weeks. In the mean time it means I will need to monitor my blood sugar closely and try to do more activity after meals, especially dinner as it appears that the problem lies in the insulin produced when I sleep. Sigh...I hope everything goes well. I have been very careful with what I have been eating, and keeping to my allocated carbohydrate count but I guess sometimes not everything is within our control. I just hope I don't have to go on insulin >.<

On a happier note, our little monster looks like a real baby now!! She can smile and even purse her lips in what looks like slight dissatisfaction. A friend asked if I teared up when I saw her on the 4D ultrasound, I know it sounds juvenile, but instead of feeling touched and warm and tingly, I felt excited and wanted to pinch her cheeks. I said to my doctor "Ohhhhh! She's so chubbehhhhh!" And my doctor laughed. My little monster's going to be in for some serious cheek pinching when she's born.

Another highlight to the day was the moment my husband said, "Oh... she's so cute" and then he said "ここから親ばかが始まるかな。。。” which roughly translates into "Here's where we start being the type of parents who think their children are the cutest and the smartest in the whole wide world." I thought that was just so cute. If the pregnancy to me has been surreal, to him it was like watching a movie... so the fact that he felt like that reassured me a lot.

My parents are also fawning over Mika's latest pictures... I think she's going to be one lucky girl. Everyone is just waiting to see her. Fingers crossed she's not a crier...

Here're a few stills of her and and an edited version of her 4D ultrasound.

She's so chubbehhhhh!

Our little monster looks like she's smiling!

In the video, you'l see that she appears to be smiling until 0.03 seconds, and then it switches to her looking more surly. I have actually pieced together two different clips for this one video to safe time and space. She moved about a lot during the ultrasound so halfway through each one the visual became distorted...

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